What are the minerals in Falooda ? Is Falooda good for health | Is Falooda Healthy to drink

If  You Are a Falooda Lover just like me & While Eating Falooda You Are wondering "what are the minerals present in Falooda". "what seeds are used in falooda". "Is Falooda Good for acidity". Then let me answer your all questions.

In India Falooda is Prepared in so many flavors. These days popular once are Rose Falooda & mango falooda. Other Flavours include chocolate falooda, butterscotch falooda, kesar pista Falooda, strawberry falooda. All flavors of falooda are made with same basic ingredients. These ingredients are vermicelli, sugar, cornflour, basil seeds, dry fruits, food color & essence. In 100g serving it contains 91.62g carbohydrates ,72.8g sugar, 2.12g Protein, 0.23g fat, 0.35g Fibre, 377.03Kcal Energy.

Minerals Present In Falooda

Most often people ask what seeds are used in falooda?

Basil Seeds are used in falooda, these seeds are also known as sabja seeds, falooda seeds, turkmaria. Basil seeds has immunity boosting properties. They are often confused with chia seeds but basil seeds and chia seeds both are different.

Sabja seeds contains good amount of minerals like potassium, maganese, copper, calcium, vitamin C & folate, that is why they are also called wonder seeds. Use them if you are on weight loss diet, it also helps in preventing acidity. If you have constipation take soaked sabja seeds with milk before going to bed.

Difference Between Chia & Basil Seeds

Is falooda good for Diabetic patients..

Since sugar is added in falooda , its not good for diabetic patients.

 If you ask me i would suggest use honey in falooda but still you have to add too much honey to make falooda sweet. You can use coconut milk in place of normal milk. This will make it healthy.

Is Falooda healthy to drink?

If you are diabetic, have heart disease or if you are on weight loss diet, then its not good for you.

How many types of falooda are there?

Chocolate falooda, Butterscotch Falooda, kesar Pista Falooda, Strawberry Falooda, Rose Falooda, Mango Falooda.

Which sevai is used in Falooda?

Falooda is basically made with conflour but these days you can se packet falooda mix, which are available in market, mall &online, these packet falooda contains vermecille & vermicelli is made from sooji ( semolina ).

How to make Falooda From Scratch


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