Cumin Seeds Benefits | Home Remedies by Cumin Seeds | Cumin Seeds Benefits For Skin | Cumin Seeds Water Benefits

Cumin Seeds Benefits For Skin

Cumin Seeds Benefits 

If you don't know what amazing things Cumin Seeds can do to your skin, let me just tell you. Apart from making your food tasty, it actually gives glow to your skin, As cumin seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals & essential fatty acids. Whether you have oily skin or dry skin or sensitive skin ,you can use cumin seeds on your face. Its totally safe to use cumin seeds on face as scrub or as face mask. You just have to make Cumin seed scrub & massaged it gently on your face & let the scrub do its magic by removing all dead skin & leaving your skin soft & shiny.

Homemade Cumin Seed Scrub

For making scrub, take spoon full of cumin seeds, crush them to make a fine to coarse powder.
Now take Olive oil in a bowl, add honey, your favorite essential oil, little bit of powdered sugar, then add crushed cumin seeds. Mix well and scrub it gently on your face. 
Cumin seeds also helps to prevent hives, inflammation & itching on your skin. It will give you soothing effect. 

Homemade Cumin Seed Mask

To make homemade mask. Soak 2 Spoon cumin seeds overnight. In morning, make a smooth paste with soaked cumin seeds. And apply this cumin seed paste on your face for 30 mins. After 30 mins wash your face with normal water.

Anti Aging Properties

Cumin seeds has anti ageing properties. It is said that Cumin seeds are rich in ant-oxidants, that prevents dark circles, wrinkles & other age related spots. Regular use of cumin seeds can increase glow of your skin .Cumin Seeds Keeps your bones strong, make your heart healthy and keeps you safe from many diseases.
Cumin seeds has anti ageing properties

Gives You Acne Free Skin

If you are suffering from acne & pimples. Use cumin seeds everyday in your dishes as it detoxify your body, cleanse your body from inside, leaving acne free skin. Its is rich in vitamin E, which makes your skin healthy and gives glow to your skin. People who are suffering from acne & blisters should apply cumin seed paste on face, as it has anti inflammation properties which will give you relief from burning sensation of skin.


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